Soybean products

Soyabean Products

Seasons International Pvt. Ltd. manufactures and exports Best quality Soyabean/ Soybean products from India in bulk quantity throughout the world.

What and how we do ?

We purchase the best available soybean seeds directly from the farmers thereby eliminating the chances of any midway alteration. The first step in processing soybeans is to properly prepare the soybean for dehulling. Then Hexane is used to wash the soybean oil from the prepared soybean flakes.

Once the oil has been removed by the solvent, the solvent must be removed from both the flakes and the soybean oil. Extracted  soy oil must be further processed to make an edible product. We ship our Soybean products to our customers across the world with utmost care maintaining the quality.

Soybeans, a form of pulse grown in the eastern parts of Asia, are considered one of the most useful and nutritional crops that make an extensive contribution towards food production worldwide.


Soya Acid Oil

Uses of Soybeans

  • Industrial Use:

Benefits of Soybeans

1. Nutritional Value:

Soybeans in other languages:

English- Edamame

             Glycine max

Arabic – فول الصويا

Vietnamese – đậu nành

India & Nepal – सोयाबिन

German – Sojabohne

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