Dry Ginger

Dry Ginger

Seasons International Pvt. Ltd. is one of the Best quality Dry Ginger supplier and exporter from India in bulk quantity throughout the world.

Ginger is considered to be one of the most important and indispensable spices of Indian culinary practices. Dried ginger is mainly used in cakes and biscuits, especially ginger snaps and gingerbread.
The taste of dried ginger is more aromatic than pungent and is used quite often in bakery products such as spicy dishes.


Botanical Name

Zingiber officinale

  • Common Names

    Dry Ginger, Sunth, Sukku, Soonth, Chukku, Adrak, gingembre sec, الزنجبيل الجاف (alzanjabil aljafu )etc.

  • Purity

    Deluxe, Superdeluxe, FAQ


Max. 8%


Dried Ginger, Slices




Here are its Uses and Benefits:

Dry ginger, which is also known as  called the ground ginger or the powdered ginger, is the rhizome of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale).

6. Blood Sugar Regulation: Some researches claim that ginger may be a helper in the control of blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and by reducing insulin resistance.

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